Ever read stories about people getting hurt in accidents, yet pushing their bodies to do amazing things? There is a reason that they can do this — stress-induced analgesia. What is this and why is a good and bad thing for Tennessee residents who are involved in motor vehicle accidents to experience?
When a person is placed in a situation of great stress, the body releases adrenaline and other hormones that help it press on. If a person is injured, these hormones block the pain-processing area of the brain, allowing the individual to do things he or she really shouldn’t be able to do because of the injury. Following a car accident, stress-induced analgesia can be a good thing in that it can allow an individual to get out of his or her vehicle, get help and help others.
Why would this be a bad thing? When a rush of adrenaline takes over, an injured individual may not realize he or she is in fact injured or may cause that person to feel that his or her injuries do not require medical attention. The truth is, because of stress-induced analgesia, injuries may not appear for hours, days or even weeks after they occurred.
Tennessee residents who have been involved in motor vehicle accidents and notice symptoms of injuries well after the fact should seek medical attention as soon as possible. There is only so much time in which these injuries can be tied to the collision, which is needed for a victim to seek compensation for any monetary losses. Those who do wish to seek relief through legal means can turn to an experienced personal injury attorney for a case review and assistance pursuing the matter if it is deemed appropriate.